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ART 309 Fall 2022
Professional Art Education Sequence

309: Saturday Classes Weeks 1-3
IPTS Standard 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teachers creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.
IPTS Standard 8- Collaborative Relationships - The competent teacher builds and maintains collaborative relationships to foster cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social and emotional development. This teacher
Description: This is a Unit Plan made for Saturday classes held for five Saturdays at Illinois State University. This is for the first three Saturdays of the program made for Kindergarten and focuses on the big idea of relationships/friendship.
Rationale: The evidence shows the unit plan, the layout of the classroom, the artist examples from each week, and the handouts that were given to the students and the parents each week in order to convey the lesson of the day as well as cover vocabulary to endure student understanding.
Artist Examples
Saturday Class K Unit Plan

Kindergarten Art Walk (2:22)

Week 1
Week 2

Week 3
Week 2 Handout
Week 3 Handout

Student's Painting Practice Worksheet
Saturday Classes Week 1-3 Classroom Set-up
IPTS Standard 4 - Learning Environment - The competent teacher structures a safe and healthy learning environment that facilitates cultural and linguistic responsiveness, emotional well-being, self-efficacy, positive social interaction, mutual respect, active engagement, academic risk-taking, self-motivation, and personal goal setting. This includes a virtual environment and any learning aids used within a Google Drive. 7D: understands how to organize the instructional environment to maximize students’ learning.
Description: This is the layout of the classroom that was set up for a one-student classroom.
Rationale: The projector in the classroom that was assigned was malfunctioning, so a personal computer was hooked up to the tv and was used to present slides. The group of desks in the center of the room was where our one student sat along with the two teachers who were not teaching at the time while the third teacher taught the class. There is a supply table off to the side of the front of the class.

309: Saturday Classes Weeks 4-5
IPTS Standard 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teachers creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.
IPTS Standard 8- Collaborative Relationships - The competent teacher builds and maintains collaborative relationships to foster cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social and emotional development. This teacher
Description: This is a Unit Plan made for Saturday classes held for five Saturdays at Illinois State University. This is for the last two Saturdays of the program made for third grade and focuses on the big idea of perspective and deception. Students were in a red light classroom instead of fluorescent lights. This changed the perception of the colors that they used in their still-life drawings.
Rationale: The evidence shows the unit plan, the layout of the classroom, the artist examples from each week, and the handouts that were given to the students and the parents each week in order to convey the lesson of the day as well as cover vocabulary to endure student understanding.

Week 4 Examples

Week 5 Examples
The Artist Examples to the right show the top image from each week in the red light where the drawing was made in its entirety. The bottom picture from each week shows what the drawing looks like under fluorescent light. Thus, showing the perception of color under red light versus fluorescent or “regular” light.
Third Grade Unit Plan

Student Work

Week 4 Handout
Third Grade Unit Presentation
Week 5 Handout
Saturday Classes Weeks 4-5 Classroom Set-up
IPTS Standard 4 - Learning Environment - The competent teacher structures a safe and healthy learning environment that facilitates cultural and linguistic responsiveness, emotional well-being, self-efficacy, positive social interaction, mutual respect, active engagement, academic risk-taking, self-motivation, and personal goal setting. This includes a virtual environment and any learning aids used within a Google Drive. 7D: understands how to organize the instructional environment to maximize students’ learning.

Describe your image

Describe your image

Description: This is the layout of the classroom for the third-grade class during the last two weeks of Saturday classes. There was a table in the center with objects on it. Around that table were six desks that faced the center table in the shape of a hexagon. Each of these six tables was where a student sat. These were placed in the largest part of the classroom near the projector screen.
Rationale: The center desk acted as a podium for the still-life objects that were placed on a draped cloth. Each of the six surrounding desks were pointed inwards to allow the students to see the same center podium but have different perspectives of the same or similar objects. The red lights in the classroom were on the edges near outlets and pointed towards the center podium to alter the appearance of the object itself.
Each of the six viewpoints from the students
PAL 1: IAEA Conference 2022
IPTS Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description: The Illinois Art Education Association hosts a conference each year in November. This year was at the Q-Center in St. Charles, IL. There are ticketed and non-ticketed workshops created by Illinois Art teachers to provide ideas, inspiration, and networking to other Illinois art educators as well as art educators in the making.
Rationale: I attended this year's conference from Friday, November 11, until Saturday, November 12. Throughout these two days, I attended both ticketed and non-ticketed workshops as well as a key-note speech. The screenshots above are of the schedule of things I attended throughout the two days. The NAEA Student Chapter at Illinois State University attended as a group. I am also pictured on the right side on the image on the right with fellow art teacher education majors from Illinois State University.
PAL 1: Instagram
IPTS Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description: This is a screenshot of a fellow art teacher education student’s art Instagram, Kameron Tunk.
Rationale: I became interested in Kameron’s work because we have a few classes together where I continuously see her work and where she challenges herself with new experiences. It is interesting to see her progression from the beginning of her account.

PAL 2: Poster Sale 2022
IPTS Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.
Description: An annual poster sale hosted by NAEA Student Chapter at Illinois State University to raise money for the chapter and program as well as provide students with the opportunity to purchase posters.
Rationale: I helped the tent attendees to set-up and maintain the poster sale such as setting up tables, organizing poster binders and bins, and restocking them. This allowed me to get hours in for the NAEA Student Chapter and engage with other Illinois State University students. Here are some of the posters I earned from the hours I put in to help.

PAL 2: NAEA T-Shirt Design
IPTS Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.
Description: This is the design that was submitted to the NAEA Student Chapter in a t-shirt design contest and won with the highest vote. This was created by an art teacher education senior at ISU, Beau Schnieder.
Rationale: This t-shirt design was given to me to order t-shirts for the NAEA Student Chapter to wear at the IAEA Conference 2022.